System Integration

If you have been researching home automation, you have found that the individual components are readily obtainable over the internet.  But...

Which components? Which brands? Which controller?...X-10? Z-Wave? Insteon? Zigbee?...Camera systems? Security systems? 24 hour Monitoring?...Email Alerts? Text Messages?...Wired or Wireless? Connecting to a home network?...Firewalls? Router MAC addresses? IP addresses?

The point is, components are easily found, the knowlege to integrate them is not.  Surgi's can provide you with the applications you desire and a money-back guarantee that they will work as promised.  With a computer engineer on staff, Surgi's can make your automation systems communicate with each other and satisfy your integration needs.  Call Surgi's today at (504) 469-4232 or Email Surgi's.  Let's talk.

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